Where we have been already

Since 2016 we have visited various universities, organizations and cities to offer excursions, workshops and other educational activities about food and climate.

Radboud University


  • Meat-free School Trip (multi-day excursion)
  • sustainability games
  • workshop on Zero Waste

University of Amsterdam

workshop on sustainability and happiness

HAN University of Applied Sciences

Biology Teacher Training

  • Meat-free School Trip (multi-day excursion)
  • sustainability games
  • Bank Switch Campaign: Switch outreach
  • Healthy Food curriculum: the sustainable cooking part

Wageningen University & Research

  • booth about Food Waste
  • food stall selling vegan food and handing out recipes
  • Bank Switch Campaign: Switch workshop and outreach

Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

lecture on food and climate

Radboud University

Student Chaplaincy

meet and eat: cooking night

Karel de Grote College

workshops on veganism, climate activism and permaculture


helped with anti-palm oil campaign


helped with various climate marches


Vegan Food Tours

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